Life in Perspective

life in perspective is a monthly blog created to give you a window into other people’s lives. it offers an insight into how people process things and allows you to understand that we are all living as one, experiencing the same things at different points in our lives. So to give your perspective on views, experiences and feelings will only help people feel comfortable with the fact that they aren’t the only ones with life pulling them by their neck so fast they can’t make sense of most things.

There is an increasing amount of people contributing to the blog. So please take the time to read some of these incredibly personal and revealing answers.


A non-biased, monthly collection of images that will stray from a particular style significantly until I find what I like to see in a photo. Maybe that’s the excitement of photography, trying to find interest and story in things you normally wouldn’t. And like anything, your interests can change as you move trough different stages of life.

watch here

Short Films

short films based around the contrasting beauty and ugliness the world can sometimes be. styles will change drastically as I become better and explore different ways of creating interesting ways to portray ideas and feelings in moving images.

Music is the primary outlet where I express my feelings and thoughts the most. Amid dust that seems to linger is my first EP and demonstrates my sound and style.
