S2 Q1 Tell me the Best and the Worst thing that happened to you last year. Has it changed your approach going into this year?
All things pass and with that comes change, whether it’s positive or negative it’s about how you deal with that change that makes you a better and a stronger person. I think it’s vital to look back and examine how you felt and how you now feel, how you thought and how you now think. To turn the change into a positive driving force for the future.
Last year was without a doubt the worst year of my life
I thought it started badly when my daughter had to go to hospital, but that was just the start. My dad was ill and we were back and forth to the doctor almost weekly but then suddenly my mum passed away. Your mind is a really strange thing because I couldn’t believe she was gone and if I’m honest I still can’t. We are all looking after my dad but I’m just still expecting her to walk through the door.
The best thing that happened was my daughter passed her GCSEs even though she was really struggling with her health. I am so proud of her for not giving up, But even better than that was how as a family we have all pulled together and supported each other. Many families fall out after a bereavement and I was petrified it would happen to us, but the opposite has happened and I am really grateful. I feel more than ever that you have to live your life for now, If you want to do something don’t put it off, If you want to say something nice then say it. It’s important that you try to make the people you care about feel loved and supported
The best thing that has happened this year is passing my GCSEs and the worst thing that has happened is that my Nan passed away.
I think these will change my approach as it will make me appreciate things more
The two best parts of my year were being accepted for a good job and passing my driving test. I hated everything about the driving lessons so knowing I don’t need another lesson again is bloody bliss. And as for the worst thing, I don’t really know. Nothing stands out as really bad, I had the least amount of money I've had in the last year, which was stressful but nothing major happened. I doubt my approach to this year will change at all but I do wish I had worked more instead of being a lazy student and I regret not starting my driving lessons sooner. So really my approach for this year should be to do the things I should be doing to help my future instead of waiting and waiting and waiting.
The worst experience of the year was my girls leaving the house without us knowing, it was a really scary experience and definitely had a big impact on me.
Apart from that it was a good year, can’t really say what was the best thing that happened but just generally a good year.
The best thing that happened to me last year was meeting my partner. It was completely unexpected, I wasn't looking for a relationship, and neither were they. In fact, we had met and became friends and discussed how we didn't want that, but we just clicked. I have never felt so in sync with another person. I've not only gained them, I've been introduced to his family, they are all incredibly close and I feel so lucky I've somehow ended up here with them.
The worst thing that happened to me last year would probably be losing my job. We had worked so hard building a brand new space and brand. We had such a lovely set-up and a wicked team but it wasn't meant to be. The summer was a lot of hard work and it ended abruptly. I'll really miss it.
I do think my approach going into this year has changed because of both of these things. It probably would've changed either way for some reason or another. Change is constant and the way people live is a consequence of change, whether they know that or not. I'm viewing my future differently I suppose, it's exciting and daunting at the same time. I can't wait to see what happens.
The best thing this year is that nothing has changed for the worse. Everything has been good with the family health-wise, and that has to be a big positive.
The worst thing is that I'm still in the same job, even though I had ideas to leave and restart again somewhere else. I'm not one to rush into things and that way of thinking has served me well in the past, but I can’t help thinking that I have missed the boat this time. I think this year I'm going to take it easy and enjoy the year and make no plans, maybe get away more and see a few places I've always wanted to see.
The best things that happened last year was my daughter passing her GCSEs with flying colours, She did really well considering she had glandular fever at the start of the year which wiped her out for a while and made it hard to study, very proud.
Also got to mention my boy passing his driving test, so chuffed for him, had a couple of goes and was getting him down a bit, but think it was down to the numpty diving instructor he had. He changed the instructor and smashed it !!!
The worst thing was my mother-in-law passing away, was a complete shock, no one expected it, and obviously had a massive affect on the whole family, so very sad.
The best thing that's happened this year so far would be going on a small tour with the band. Helps me work hard and helps to achieve the goals that I have set for the rest of the year just getting better at what I love to do (Music). I'm sure there will be a better moment this year but I guess I will find out.
The worst was my mother dying added to the fact we never sorted out a problem before she died. The best thing was my granddaughter getting the best news possible after a serious illness. It won't affect me approaching the year at all.
I'll start with the worst. A phone call from my eldest brother which is usually a weekly catch-up and a laugh for half an hour, turned out to be the news that my Nan had passed away. I can remember when I was little the first person who made me really think about death was my Nan. We had that conversation that I'm sure everyone has at some point where we find out that nothing lasts forever and one day it will be our last. I can remember it really hurting me to think that she would not be alive anymore at some point in the future. I think I'd been preparing my whole life for that phone call since then. Strangely, I felt so calm after hearing the news and felt ready to face it. After all these years It finally came full circle. My Nan was a huge part of my upbringing - she insisted on instilling in me good manners, good morals, compassion and a good sense of humour. She had so much knowledge and snippets of wisdom that I would soak up every time I spent time with her She was so patient with me and caring, and she always made me feel good about myself, she was great. I would not be the man I am if not for her and I am so grateful that she was my Nan and I got to spend so much time with her when I was young. She had always been around and to me felt like the Centrepiece of the family.
Life feels funny knowing she's not there.
The Best thing(s) that happened were not any one stand-out thing but little victories that me and members of my family had. I think people tend to remember the bad all the time and last year were full of bad times but were also full of good times. I set out a goal to do some work on the inside of my house and I achieved it. I felt like I was being underpaid at my job so rather than think about it any longer, I gathered my ammunition organised a meeting with my boss and gave them an ultimatum to pay me what I wanted or I'd be leaving and I walked out of the meeting with the money I was looking for.
Both my brothers bought their first homes, very proud of them both decent hardworking people. My mum paid off her mortgage - I'm so proud of her she's worked so hard at what she does on top of being the ultimate most selfless and consistent person/mum and she deserves all the fruits of her labour going forward into the future.
Last but not least my daughter smashed her exams which will bode well to obtaining her bright future that she has ahead of her.
If any of this has changed how I approach this year, it would be to trust my gut more and act on it. Celebrate small victories and just be grateful for what I have.
This year passed came as a surprise. I started the year with a clear path. I was moving back home and only wanted to stay there for a year and then move on, having gotten an interesting and fulfilling job. In reality, none of that happened but I don't feel negative at all, in fact, I feel the complete opposite. That's because if I got a job and left I wouldn't have stumbled across the best thing that has happened to me let alone last year but probably in my life.
That was finding the only person I've ever felt a real connection with(apart from family). It was by pure luck and wasn't my intention at all but it felt natural and exciting. I feel content in a different way now. content in the fact I have someone else that I think about and feel for. Someone that cures my boredom and makes me excited for my future.
On the other hand, the worst thing about the last year was my nan dying. She was the closest person in my life that I have experienced passing and it was so sudden and random. It affected me quite a bit and really enforced my fear of death. I'm still struggling with death itself and trying to accept it.
I think that both of these things have changed how I will do and think about things in the future. Finding my girlfriend has made me realise the possibility of something great happening from the simplest of things. To open up to doing everything and maximise my opportunities even if it's as simple as going to work.
As cliche as it is, my nan's passing made me realise that I need to spend as much time as I can with the people I love and to not take what I have for granted.
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